택시 영상DB를 활용한 교통약자 보행자 사고의 심각도 분석

Severity Analysis for Vulnerable Pedestrian Accident Utilizing Vehicle Recorder Database of Taxi

  • 투고 : 2014.01.10
  • 심사 : 2014.06.05
  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


This study proposes severity analysis for pedestrian accidents by improving variables which were used for general severity analysis. The existing variables were collected based on the interviews with policeman or witnesses and evidence of accidents. Therefore, existing variables were subjective and had several measurement errors. In order to improve such problems, this study collected variables from vehicle recorder of taxi which recorded the moment of accidents. As a result, explanatory power of independent variables was enhanced and the complete objective variables could be collected. After collecting variables, ordered probit model was developed by utilizing vehicle recorder database. Fitness of ordered probit model was 0.23. Vehicle speed and pedestrian's eye direction variables were the most critical factors for severity of pedestrian accident. In addition, severity analysis for vulnerable pedestrian was carried out. As a result, it was revealed that vehicle speed, pedestrian's eye direction and safety zone variables affected the severity of pedestrian accidents most. Particularly, vehicle speed variable is the most important factor. Consequently, driver's defensive driving and compliance to the regulations are the priority to reduce severity of pedestrian accidents and prevent pedestrian accident.



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