여러 공급업체와 공동개발에서의 협업전략과 제품개발 성과

Collaboration Management Strategies and Product Development Performance

  • 홍윤숙 (울산대학교 경영대학 경영학부)
  • 투고 : 2014.07.18
  • 심사 : 2014.08.29
  • 발행 : 2014.09.30


In collaborative product development with multiple suppliers, buyers must manage the suppliers' activities. This empirical research investigates the performance impacts of three strategies that buyers use to manage suppliers who design interdependent components. These strategies are: Instructionism (giving clear instructions to suppliers), Teaming (forming an interactive development team with suppliers), and Delegation (transferring component development responsibilities to suppliers). Data were collected through a cross-industry web-based survey of buying firms in manufacturing industries whose products require multiple, interdependent components. A path analysis utilizing 318 survey responses indicates that Instructionism has a positive effect on design quality, and Teaming has a positive effect on design quality and component innovation. The use of Delegation is not related to any of the performance indicators. The practical implication of this research for product development managers is that both Instructionism and Teaming can be effective strategies. For the purpose of assuring design quality, a buyer should give clear instructions in detailed specifications or work closely with suppliers in development teams. If competitive priority is product innovativeness, however, the buyer should work closely with its suppliers during component development processes using a Teaming strategy.



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