Performance Evaluation of Isotropic Spunbonded Geotextiles for Vacuum Consolidation

진공압밀 공법용 등방성 스펀본드 지오텍스타일의 성능평가

  • Ahn, Seung Jae (Department of Advanced Organic Materials Engineering, Inha University Graduate School) ;
  • Kim, Jin Il (Central Research Park, KOLON Industries, Inc.) ;
  • Bok, Jin Seon (Korea Textile Development Institute) ;
  • Lee, Hyun Seok (Korea Textile Development Institute) ;
  • Jeon, Han-Yong (Department of Advanced Organic Materials Engineering, Inha University)
  • 안승재 (인하대학교 대학원 유기응용재료공학과) ;
  • 김진일 (코오롱 인더스트리(주) 중앙연구원) ;
  • 복진선 (한국섬유개발연구원) ;
  • 이현석 (한국섬유개발연구원) ;
  • 전한용 (인하대학교 유기응용재료공학과)
  • Received : 2014.06.30
  • Accepted : 2014.08.10
  • Published : 2014.08.31


In this study, the performance of isotropic spunbonded geotextiles, which are used in vacuum consolidation, was tested both in the laboratory and in the field. Two kinds of isotropic spunbonded geotextiles were prepared. One was a matrix/binder structure using low-melting polyethylene terephthalate (PET) copolymer (co-PET) fibers for web bonding. The other consisted of sheath/core (co-PET/PET) fibers. Through the index test, it was seen that the performance of the sheath/core structure isotropic spunbonded geotextiles was better for use with vacuum consolidation than the matrix/binder structure isotropic spunbonded geotextiles. However, the drainage performance test, which simulates a construction environment, showed that the sheath/core structure isotropic spunbonded geotextiles were unstable. The matrix/binder isotropic spunbonded geotextiles showed better results for the drainage test and the field test results for the matrix/binder isotropic spunbonded geotextiles showed that they were suitable for use with vacuum consolidation.



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  1. Applicability Evaluation of Nonwoven Geotextiles as Filter Material by Analysis of Their Engineering Properties vol.51, pp.6, 2014,