Determination of Object Similarity Closure Using Shared Neighborhood Connectivity

  • 투고 : 2014.07.22
  • 심사 : 2014.09.26
  • 발행 : 2014.09.30


Sequential object analysis are playing vital role in real time application in computer vision and object detections.Measuring the similarity in two images are very important issue any authentication activities with how best to compare two independent images. Identification of similarities of two or more sequential images is also the important in respect to moving of neighborhoods pixels. In our study we introduce the morphological and shared near neighborhoods concept which produces a sufficient results of comparing the two images with objects. Considering the each pixel compare with 8-connectivity pixels of second image. For consider the pixels we expect the noise removed images are to be considered, so we apply the morphological transformations such as opening, closing with erosion and dilations. RGB of pixel values are compared for the two sequential images if it is similar we include the pixels in the resultant image otherwise ignore the pixels. All un-similar pixels are identified and ignored which produces the similarity of two independent images. The results are produced from the images with objects and gray levels. It produces the expected results from our process.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Efficient Object Localization using Color Correlation Back-projection vol.14, pp.5, 2016,