Performance of Pseudomorpheme-Based Speech Recognition Units Obtained by Unsupervised Segmentation and Merging

비교사 분할 및 병합으로 구한 의사형태소 음성인식 단위의 성능

  • Received : 2014.07.29
  • Accepted : 2014.09.10
  • Published : 2014.09.30


This paper proposes a new method to determine the recognition units for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) in Korean by applying unsupervised segmentation and merging. In the proposed method, a text sentence is segmented into morphemes and position information is added to morphemes. Then submorpheme units are obtained by splitting the morpheme units through the maximization of posterior probability terms. The posterior probability terms are computed from the morpheme frequency distribution, the morpheme length distribution, and the morpheme frequency-of-frequency distribution. Finally, the recognition units are obtained by sequentially merging the submorpheme pair with the highest frequency. Computer experiments are conducted using a Korean LVCSR with a 100k word vocabulary and a trigram language model obtained by a 300 million eojeol (word phrase) corpus. The proposed method is shown to reduce the out-of-vocabulary rate to 1.8% and reduce the syllable error rate relatively by 14.0%.



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