The Utility of Perturbation, Non-linear dynamic, and Cepstrum measures of dysphonia according to Signal Typing

음성 신호 분류에 따른 장애 음성의 변동률 분석, 비선형 동적 분석, 캡스트럼 분석의 유용성

  • 최성희 (대구가톨릭대학교 언어청각치료학과) ;
  • 최철희 (대구가톨릭대학교 언어청각치료학과)
  • Received : 2014.08.18
  • Accepted : 2014.09.07
  • Published : 2014.09.30


The current study assessed the utility of acoustic analyses the most commonly used in routine clinical voice assessment including perturbation, nonlinear dynamic analysis, and Spectral/Cepstrum analysis based on signal typing of dysphonic voices and investigated their applicability of clinical acoustic analysis methods. A total of 70 dysphonic voice samples were classified with signal typing using narrowband spectrogram. Traditional parameters of %jitter, %shimmer, and signal-to-noise ratio were calculated for the signals using TF32 and correlation dimension(D2) of nonlinear dynamic parameter and spectral/cepstral measures including mean CPP, CPP_sd, CPPf0, CPPf0_sd, L/H ratio, and L/H ratio_sd were also calculated with ADSV(Analysis of Dysphonia in Speech and VoiceTM). Auditory perceptual analysis was performed by two blinded speech-language pathologists with GRBAS. The results showed that nearly periodic Type 1 signals were all functional dysphonia and Type 4 signals were comprised of neurogenic and organic voice disorders. Only Type 1 voice signals were reliable for perturbation analysis in this study. Significant signal typing-related differences were found in all acoustic and auditory-perceptual measures. SNR, CPP, L/H ratio values for Type 4 were significantly lower than those of other voice signals and significant higher %jitter, %shimmer were observed in Type 4 voice signals(p<.001). Additionally, with increase of signal type, D2 values significantly increased and more complex and nonlinear patterns were represented. Nevertheless, voice signals with highly noise component associated with breathiness were not able to obtain D2. In particular, CPP, was highly sensitive with voice quality 'G', 'R', 'B' than any other acoustic measures. Thus, Spectral and cepstral analyses may be applied for more severe dysphonic voices such as Type 4 signals and CPP can be more accurate and predictive acoustic marker in measuring voice quality and severity in dysphonia.



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