Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility Leading to Sustainable Development

  • Sy, Maria Victoria U. (College of Arts and Sciences, University of San Jose Recoletos)
  • Received : 2014.01.08
  • Accepted : 2014.08.12
  • Published : 2014.09.30


Organizational dedication to corporate social responsibility (CSR) is set off by a number of driving forces, such as enhancing corporate financial performance, concern for the environment, regulatory compliance, and social equity. This article aims to ascertain the uptake of CSR among firms in the Philippines and Thailand leading to the attainment of sustainable development. The results revealed that CSR is carried out by the companies primarily to enhance their competitive advantage and legal compliance, which are deemed essential to the firms' existence. This study seeks to contribute to understanding how companies undertake their operations based on socially responsible practices so that the theoretical conceptualizations of sustainability can be developed. By determining what prods companies to pursue CSR, it will shed light on the mechanism that promotes the existence of sustainable organizations, linking it with CSR and the companies' objectives and strategies.



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