Expression and Underlying Roles of IGFBP-3 in Paclitaxel-Treated Gastric Cancer Sgc-7901 Cells

  • 발행 : 2014.07.30


Purpose: To study the expression of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) in paclitaxel-treated gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells, and to further investigate underlying mechanisms. Materials and Methods: Real time PCR and Western blot assays were applied to detect the mRNA and protein expression of IGFBP-2, -3 and -5 after paclitaxel (10 nM) treatment of SGC-7901 cells. In addition IGFBP-3 expression was silenced by RNA interference to determine effects. Cell viability was determined by MTT assay. Cell cycling and apoptosis were assessed by flow cytometry. Results: Compared to the control group, only IGFBP-3 expression was elevated significantly after paclitaxel (10 nM) treatment (p<0.05). Paclitaxel treatment caused cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via downregulating Bcl-2 expression. However, the effect could be abrogated by IGFBP-3 silencing. Conclusions: IGFBP-3 exhibits anti-apoptotic effects on paclitaxel-treated SGC-7901 cells via elevating Bcl-2 expression.



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