Relation of Alcohol/Tobacco use with Metastasis, Hormonal (Estrogen and Progesterone) Receptor Status and c-erbB2 Protein in Mammary Ductal Carcinoma

  • Leon-Hernandez, Saul Renan (Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitacion, Departamento de Apoyo a la Investigacion) ;
  • Padilla, Eleazar Lara (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Seccion de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacion) ;
  • Algara, Alfredo Cortes (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Seccion de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacion) ;
  • Rodriguez, Noemi Cardenas (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Seccion de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacion) ;
  • Sanchez, Esau Floriano (Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional, Universidad del Ejercito y Fuerza Aerea Mexicanos, Subdireccion de Investigacion. Escuela Militar de Graduados de Sanidad, Laboratorio de Investigacion Multidisciplinaria) ;
  • Cruz, Jaime Lopez (Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional, Hospital Militar de Especialidades de la Mujer y Neonatologia) ;
  • Barradas, Cesar Miguel Mejia (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Seccion de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacion) ;
  • Bandala, Cindy (Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitacion, Departamento de Apoyo a la Investigacion)
  • 발행 : 2014.07.30


Background: An association between alcohol/tobacco use and risk of metastasis in breast cancer has been clearly shown. Materials and Methods: The present study explored, in 48 samples of tissue from mammary ductal carcinoma (taken from Mexican women with an average age of $58.2{\pm}10.9$ years), the association of risk of metastasis with the status of hormonal receptors and the c-erbB2 protein (by immunohistochemistry) as well as clinical, histopathological and sociodemographic factors. Results: Of 48 patients, 41.6% (20/48) presented with metastasis, 43.8% were positive for the estrogen receptor (RE+), 31.3% for the progesterone receptor (RP+) and 47.7% for c-erbB2 (c-erbB2+). The following combinations were found: RE+/RP+/c-erbB2+ 8.3%, RE+/RP+ 22.9%, RE+/RP- 20.8%, RE-/RP+ 8.3%, RE-/RP-/c-erbB2- 22.9% and RE-/RP- 47.8%. There were 12 patients who used alcohol/tobacco, of which 91.6% did not present metastasis and 81.9% were RE-/RP-. Compared to the RE-/RP-/c-erbB2+, the RE+/RP+/c-erbB2+ group had a 15-fold greater risk for metastasis (95%CI, 0.9-228.8, p=0.05). The carriers of the double negative hormonal receptors had a 4.7 fold greater probability of being (or having been) smokers or drinkers (95%CI, 1.0-20.4, p = 0.03). Conclusions: There was a clear protective effect of using alcohol and/or tobacco, in the cases included in the present study of mammary ductal carcinoma, associated with double negative hormonal receptors. However, this association could be due to a protective factor not measured (Neyman bias) or to a bias inherent in the rate of hospitalization (Berkson fallacy). This question should be explored in a broad prospective longitudinal study.



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