어린이집 원장의 서번트 리더십과 보육교사의 조직시민행동 간의 경로모형 검증: 보육교사의 조직몰입과 조직냉소주의를 중심으로

The verification of path model on director's servant leadership and childcare center teacher's organizational citizenship behavior: Focused on teacher's organizational committment and cynicism

  • 민하영 (대구가톨릭대학교 아동학과)
  • Min, Ha-Young (Dept. of Child Studies, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 투고 : 2014.05.29
  • 심사 : 2014.08.12
  • 발행 : 2014.08.30


The study aimed to define the paths through which director's servant leadership, childcare center teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism affected teacher's organizational citizenship behavior and determined their effects. The subjects for this study were 545 teachers of the childcare centers located in Daegu and Kyoungbuk district. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 8.0. The results showed 1) The director's servant leadership, teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism influenced directly on organizational citizenship behavior. 2) The director's servant leadership influenced directly on teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism. 3) The director's servant leadership influenced indirectly on organizational citizenship behavior by teacher's organizational committment and organizational cynicism.



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