디지털교과서 전면도입에 따른 학습격차 심화가능성 탐색

Exploration to the Possibility of Deepening Educational Gap in using Digital Textbook

  • 투고 : 2014.05.12
  • 심사 : 2014.06.16
  • 발행 : 2014.08.31


This study starts from a question about the expectation that government policy reduces the educational gap by introducing digital textbooks. In addition, we try to figure out how to minimize the problems that will occur when digital textbooks are introduced and fully adopted. The purpose of this study is exploring the possibility that suing digital textbook deepens learning gap among students. Researchers are discussed that the gap between 'information' haves' and 'information' have-nots' and between 'the competent user' and 'the incompetent user' increase difference between 'knows' and 'know-nots' on the socio-economic class. These difference are likely to imply that using digital textbook is deepening the educational gap.



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