A Novel Monoclonal Antibody Induces Cancer Cell Apoptosis and Enhances the Activity of Chemotherapeutic Drugs

  • Xu, Heng (Institute of Translational Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanjing Tech University) ;
  • Tian, Yan-Na (Jinfiniti Biosciences LLC) ;
  • Dun, Bo-Ying (Jinfiniti Biosciences LLC) ;
  • Liu, Hai-Tao (Jinfiniti Biosciences LLC) ;
  • Dong, Guang-Kuo (Jinfiniti Biosciences LLC) ;
  • Wang, Jin-Hua (Center for Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University) ;
  • Lu, Shang-Su (Institute of Translational Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanjing Tech University) ;
  • Chen, Bo (Institute of Translational Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanjing Tech University) ;
  • She, Jin-Xiong (Institute of Translational Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanjing Tech University)
  • 발행 : 2014.06.15


A novel monoclonal antibody (mAb), known as AC10364, was identified from an antibody library generated by immunization of mice with human carcinoma cells. The mAb recognized proteins in lysates from multiple carcinoma cell lines. Cell cytotoxicity assays showed that AC10364 significantly inhibited cell growth and induced apoptosis in multiple carcinoma cell lines, including Bel/fu, KATO-III and A2780. Compared with mAb AC10364 or chemotherapeutic drugs alone, the combination of mAb AC10364 with chemotherapeutic drugs demonstrated enhanced growth inhibitory effects on carcinoma cells. These results suggest that mAb AC10364 is a promising candidate for cancer therapy.



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