들뢰즈의 운동-이미지 개념으로 본 SANAA 건축의 창조적 이미지

Creative Image of SANAA's Architecture based on the Gilles Deleuze's Concept of Image-Movement

  • 박우열 (안동대학교 건축공학과)
  • 투고 : 2013.12.05
  • 심사 : 2014.03.27
  • 발행 : 2014.04.25


This study made an attempt to analysis the building project of SANAA based on the analysis of Deleuze by the creative interpretation of the film with the image frame. Deleuze divides image-movement like image-perception, image-affection, and image-action. He also classifies image-cliche, and image-creative and valuable in the film with the image frame. The interpreted results of the building project of SANAA using this analytical framework could be confirmed to interpret and understand the usefulness of modern architecture. It is confirmed that the building project of SANAA has been achieved as body anchored point to break down and pure perception to reach a state of 'gaseous perception' of image-perception, the limited space of a non-narrative 'nondescript space' to reveal image-affection, cliche sensation-movement system to escape a destructive form of 'figure' as the image-action.



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