Study on the Correlation between 'Philosophy of Difference' and 'Avant-Garde Architecture in 1950s to 1970s'

'차이의 철학'과 '1950-70년대 아방가르드 건축'의 연관성에 관한 연구

  • 이상영 (홍익대학교 일반대학원) ;
  • 조한 (홍익대학교 건축대학)
  • Received : 2013.04.04
  • Accepted : 2014.01.21
  • Published : 2014.04.25


The modern society have faced rapid transformation since the mid-1960s. In the center of such change, so-called Post-structuralists played an important role to promote new paradigm based upon the 'Philosophy of difference', which toppled the long hold hegemony of the metaphysics based upon 'identity'. At the same time, Modern architecture also faced massive challenge from the new architectural trend which emphasized the concept of 'event', 'chance', 'relation', 'contingency', 'indeterminism', 'uncertainty', 'disjunction, and etc. Interestingly these series of concepts are also shared by the philosophers of 'difference' at the same time. So, this study is to find the correlation between the 'Philosophy of difference' and 'Avant-Garde architecture in 1950s to 1970s', which believed to play a pivotal role to transit from Modern architecture to contemporary architecture. First to examine the various aspects of 'difference' by Deleuze's 'Disjuctive Synthesis', Foucault's 'difference', and Derrida's 'diff$\acute{e}$rance', and next to delve into the concept and design of Team10, ARCHITGRAM, Metabolism, and Situationalsim, to discover how the 'Philosophy of difference' affected the architectural discourse and practice in the 'Avant-Garde architecture in 1950s to 1970s'.



Supported by : 홍익대학교


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