스마트폰 증강현실 내비게이션의 인지능력과 호응도에 관한 연구

Research on Cognitive Effects and Responsiveness of Smartphone-based Augmented Reality Navigation

  • 투고 : 2014.05.14
  • 심사 : 2014.07.14
  • 발행 : 2014.09.01


Most of the car navigation systems pzrovide 2D or 3D virtual map-based driving guidance. One of the important issues is how to reduce cognitive burden to the driver who should interpret the abstracted information to real world driving information. Recently, an augmented reality (AR)-based navigation is considered as a new way to reduce cognitive workload by superimposing guidance information into the real world scene captured by the camera. In particular, head-up display (HUD) is popular to implement AR navigation. However, HUD is too expensive to be set up in most cars so that the HUD-based AR navigation is currently unrealistic for navigational assistance. Meanwhile, smartphones with advanced computing capability and various sensors are popularized and also provide navigational assistance. This paper presents a research on cognitive effect and responsiveness of an AR navigation by a comparative study with a conventional virtual map-based navigation on the same smartphone. This paper experimented both quantitative and qualitative studies to compare cognitive workload and responsiveness, respectively. The number of eye gazing at the navigation system is used to measure the cognitive effect. In addition, questionnaires are used for qualitative analysis of the responsiveness.



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