고시수재 의약품 중 암브록솔염산염 및 클렌부테롤염산염 함유 제제의 함량 시험법 개선

Development of Analytical Method for Ambroxol Hydrochloride and Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Formulation in Korean Pharmaceutical Codex

  • 이태웅 (대전지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과) ;
  • 정래석 (대전지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과) ;
  • 박수진 (대전지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과) ;
  • 최란 (식품의약품안전평가원 의약품규격연구과) ;
  • 심영훈 (식품의약품안전평가원 의약품규격연구과) ;
  • 최보경 (식품의약품안전평가원 의약품규격연구과) ;
  • 곽효선 (대전지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과)
  • Lee, Tae-Woong (Hazardous Substances Analysis Division, Daejeon regional Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
  • Jeong, Rae-Seok (Hazardous Substances Analysis Division, Daejeon regional Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
  • Park, Soo-Jin (Hazardous Substances Analysis Division, Daejeon regional Korea Food & Drug Administration) ;
  • Choi, Lan (National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Osong Health Technology Administration Complex) ;
  • Shim, Young-Hun (National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Osong Health Technology Administration Complex) ;
  • Choi, Bo-Kyung (National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Osong Health Technology Administration Complex) ;
  • Kwak, Hyo-Sun (Hazardous Substances Analysis Division, Daejeon regional Korea Food & Drug Administration)
  • 투고 : 2014.04.30
  • 심사 : 2014.06.05
  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


The Korean Pharmaceutical Codex (KPC) analytical method of ambroxol hydrochloride and clenbuterol hydrochloride formulation is complicated and needed to carry out multiple processes during the test. To improve the low efficiency of analytical procedure that makes pharmaceutical laboratory consume much time and high cost to conduct the test of this formulation, this study was performed for simplifying the pretreatment process and optimizing conditions of the HPLC assay. The analytical procedure using HPLC was developed to establish analytical specification for ambroxol hydrochloride and clenbuterol hydrochloride formulations. The newly developed analytical method has good linearity ($R^2$ >0.999), specificity, precision (RSD<1.0%) and the recovery ranges of 98.50~101.84% for ambroxol, 98.29~101.35% for clenbuterol syrup and 98.66~101.71% for clenbuterol tablets. The LOQs were 0.204 ${\mu}g/ml$ for ambroxol, 0.021 ${\mu}g/ml$ for clenbuterol syrup and 0.073 ${\mu}g/ml$ for clenbuterol tablets. The new method was performed with commercially available samples to confirm analytical conditions and validated to be suitable for saving time and cost to control the quality of routine manufactured products. This analytical method will be used for revising the monograph of ambroxol hydrochloride and clenbuterol hydrochloride formulation in next supplement of KPC.



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