조직 간 파워 유형과 SCM 사용자만족

Inter-Organizational Power Type and SCM User Satisfaction

  • 투고 : 2014.03.03
  • 심사 : 2014.04.02
  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


Companies are required to have adequate understanding and awareness of a partner company within the supply chain, together with the understanding of the imbalance consequent on power types. Therefore, this study intends to look into the power types and make clear their influence on confidence & commitment and causal relationship that is linked to SCM user satisfaction. The concrete research results are as follows. First, the result showed that none of the behavioral coercive, high-handed reward, and relative legitimacy in terms of Mediated power had a significant influence on confidence and commitment. Like this, the result explains that there is a limit to forcibleness power in forming a continuous, long-term relationship. Second, business expertise, professional information and value reference in terms of Non-Mediated power were all found to have a significant influence on confidence and commitment. This could be judged as having an intention of aggressively accepting a partner company's expertise, information strength and imitable culture, etc. Third, both confidence and commitment was found to have a significant influence on SCM user satisfaction.



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