An Exploratory Study on Effect of Call Center Representatives' Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and IT Utilization Ability on Job Performance : A Comparative Analysis by Representatives' Career

콜센터 상담원의 감성지능, 조직시민행동과 IT활용능력이 직무 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구 : 상담원의 경력 비교

  • Received : 2014.04.26
  • Accepted : 2014.06.13
  • Published : 2014.06.30


Corporations look for their competitiveness in many different areas, and one of them is customer call center, which provides professional, special service to the customers. The importance and the value of realization of customer satisfaction at each call center have become significant as it plays a leading role and is responsible for customer recreation and follow-up services. This study held in-depth interviews with 3 groups of professional call representatives (categorized by experience) from popular property and life insurance companies in Korea who operate in and outbound calls. Three variables, emotional quotient, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and IT utilization skill, were selected and it was observed how these variables affect the job performance of in and outbound call center representatives. The importance of the relationship between the variables and the key factors in the future direction of improvement of the call center representative organization was analyzed. Emotional quotient refers to the ability to recognize and use the emotion of oneself and others. It was considered it would be effective in enhancing the counseling ability of call center representatives, This study identifies the effect of emotional quotient on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, which is defined as actions outside of normative roles in the organization. Also, the study aims to prove the effect of emotional quotient on the rapidly developing IT utilization ability in relation to job performance. As a result, it was found that service career (3 months, 3 years, 10 years) had a significant effect on the key factors that affect the organization-emotional quotient, IT utilization skill, and OCB. Especially for OCB, it was considered relatively less important to the new employees, while it greatly affected the job performance, rate of settlement, and sustainment of the working life for those with longer experience. Also, the result of the interview for each variable differed by the service career. Emotional quotient, IT utilization skill, and OCB were close connection for the representatives with longer experience than for those with shorter experience. And the level of intimacy of their relationship with job performance was in proportion to the years of service. Thus, to secure stability for the call center representatives and enhance their job performance continually, the importance of emotional quotient and IT utilization skill shall be reflected in the operation process actively. In particular, in order to lead a organization with outstanding culture, a management system shall apply OCB from the recruitment process.



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