Recovery of Ecosystem Service Functions through Ecological Restoration Practice: A Case Study of Coal Mine Spoils, Samcheok, Central Eastern Korea

훼손된 생태계의 복원을 통한 생태계 서비스의 회복: 채탄쓰레기 매립지 복원지의 사례

  • Oh, Woo Seok (Department Biology, Graduate School, Seoul Women's University) ;
  • Lee, Chang Seok (Department Bio and Environmental Technology, Seoul Women's University)
  • 오우석 (서울여자대학교 대학원 생물학과) ;
  • 이창석 (서울여자대학교 생명환경공학과)
  • Received : 2014.03.19
  • Accepted : 2014.05.09
  • Published : 2014.06.30


Ecological restoration is regarded as a major strategy for preventing biodiversity loss and thereby enhancing ecosystem service. This study was performed to evaluate ecosystem service value that the restored ecosystem provides. Ecosystem service was evaluated for provisioning and regulating services. The former service was evaluated by comparing similarities in a viewpoint of floristic composition to the reference site between the restored and the unrestored sites. Species composition of the restored site was found to be more similar to the reference site than that of the unrestored site and thereby restoration practice contributed for enhancing the provisioning service. Regulating service was evaluated based on microclimate control, soil amelioration, and improvement of water holding capacity. The value of ecosystem services in terms of microclimate control, soil amelioration, and improvement of water holding capacity was higher in the restored site than in the unrestored site. In consequence, ecological restoration of coal mine spoils contributed for enhancing the ecosystem service value of the corresponding site and thereby is rewarding the cost invested for restoration.



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