A Typology of Female Workers' Work-Life Balance: Focused on Full-Time Female Paid Workers Using the 2009 Korean Time Survey

여성 근로자의 일과 삶의 균형 유형화 : 전일제 여성 임금근로자를 중심으로

  • Received : 2014.04.01
  • Accepted : 2014.04.25
  • Published : 2014.05.31


This study classified the current work-life balance of full-time female paid workers and tested the typology by using the 2009 Korean Time Survey. The categorization demographic and psychological characteristics of women belonging to each type were comparatively analyzed. It was found that full-time female paid workers used an average of 435.7 minutes for work, 146.4 minutes for family, 104.5 minutes for leisure, and 17.7 minutes for growth. On the basis of times used in each area of work and life, individuals were classified into family-oriented type, work-leisure parallel type, work-oriented type, work-growth parallel type, and work-family parallel type. Psychological characteristics were examined by type. The work-oriented type women experienced feelings of lack of time and fatigue the most compared with women of other types. From examining the influence that the amount of time used in each area of work and life had on psychological characteristics, it was shown that the activity time relevant to leisure influenced psychological characteristics the most. Lastly, based on the limitations of this study, future assignments are discussed.



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