Literature Review of Exercise Therapy Effects in Patients with Breast Cancer

유방암 환자의 운동치료 효과에 대한 문헌고찰

  • Kim, Inseop (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Daejeon Health Science College)
  • Received : 2014.05.29
  • Accepted : 2014.06.27
  • Published : 2014.06.30


Purpose : This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of exercise therapies for breast cancer patients through review analysis of the rehabilitation they had usually received to increase the quality of their lives. Exercise therapy for breast cancer patients has proven to be highly effective, so it is strongly recommended. Method : Focusing on breast cancer-related journal articles published since 1990, an analysis using the Spolit and Medline search engines was undertaken of breast krebs, tumors, cancer, sportaktivitaet, and exercise in patients with breast cancer. Exercise for breast cancer patients has been considered to have positive effects on fatigue, muscle weakness, and the range of motion of upper extremities, as well as on depression. Breast cancer patients have to be divided according to their identifying clinical characteristics, and then have to be prescribed a suitable exercise program. In accordance with previous articles, a varied exercise program was organized in terms of frequency, duration, and intensity. The frequency was more than three times per week. Its duration was about 30 minutes per session. Result : The intensity of exercise was moderate. The types of exercises included recommended strengthening exercises, as well as various aerobic exercises. Based on previous data, a new exercise method for breast cancer patients was introduced in this study. Conclusion : Above all, exercise programs should be planned according to the different characteristics of breast cancer patients, in order to reduce physical impairments and psychological problems.



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