Exploratory Study on Self-Fulfillment Effect of Self-Designing Process in Adaptive Customization Services

  • Received : 2014.03.31
  • Accepted : 2014.06.14
  • Published : 2014.06.30


Services for self-designing, or adaptive customization services, have become dominant in virtual marketplaces and are believed to create additional values both for the company as well as for the customer. While most research focused on the value from the services' outputs, this research attempts to address the customer-perceived value deriving from the process of the services, and focuses on the self-fulfillment effect of the involved mental processing. An online survey was administered with 313 U.S. shoppers. In the results, participants using adaptive customization services reported higher self-fulfillment perceptions, than did those not using the services. Furthermore, both the self-fulfillment perceptions (i.e., autonomy and competence) significantly increased perceived design utility. The results suggest that the process of adaptive customization services should be strategically managed to improve the customers' positive mental states that subsequently improve the perceived value of the output designs. Implications and suggestions for future studies are dsicussed.



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