Point Spread Function of Optical Systems Apodized by Semicircular Array of 2D Aperture Functions with Asymmetric Apodization

  • Received : 2014.03.15
  • Accepted : 2014.04.30
  • Published : 2014.06.30


The simultaneous suppression of sidelobes and the sharpening of the central peak in the process of diffraction pattern detection based on asymmetric apodization have been investigated. Asymmetric apodization is applied to a semicircular array of two-dimensional (2D) aperture functions, which is a series of 'coded-phase arrays of semicircular rings randomly distributed over the central circular region of a pupil function' and is similar to that used in the field of diffractive optics. The point spread function (PSF) of an imaging system with asymmetric apodization of the discrete type has been found to possess a good side with suppressed sidelobes, whereas its bad side contains enhanced sidelobes. Further, the diffracted field characteristics are obtained in the presence of these aperture functions. Asymmetric apodization is helpful in improving the performance of the optical gratings or 2D arrays used in real-time imaging techniques.



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  1. Spherical Aberration of Point Spread Function with Asymmetric Pupil Mask vol.2016, pp.1687-6407, 2016,