대만 중.서의 의료이원화 현황에 관한 연구 - 면허제도 및 교육제도 확립을 중심으로 -

Study on Dual Medical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in Taiwan

  • 투고 : 2014.02.10
  • 심사 : 2014.02.21
  • 발행 : 2014.02.25


Recently, interest in traditional medicine has increased steadily. Nations having traditional medicine system have been attempting to change it institutionally for the purpose of public application boost in use of traditional medicine. But there are not too many countries which have established the modern system of education and licensing system for traditional medicine with it maintained as a part of a national health care system. The best known examples of nations utilizing traditional medicine are the People's Republic of China, Republic of Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. These countries follow different patterns in the relationship with western medicine according to different social and historical backgrounds. Taiwan has dual medical system as Korean. In this study, we looked through history and the current state of affairs of national health care system in Taiwan, and also found out the licensing system, the educational system, and the curriculum in several universities. thoroughly. Furthermore, we looked into the direction of the policy of Taiwanese health care system which has been becoming an integrated medical system between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. With findings based on this study, we deduced implications of a future policy line about the integrated medical system in Korea to minimize conflicts between the concerned parties.



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