Supported by : 미래창조과학부
- ALU, A new RAN for a new era of mobility: http:// files/waa/Wireless-All-Around-New-RAN-Era. pdf.
- CMCC/ZTE C-RAN: press_center/news/201102/t20110215_351065.html.
- ALU(Bell Lab) Light Radio: http://www.lgsinnovations. com/solutions/broadband-wireless-network- light-radio.
- CPRI(Common Public Radio Interface): http://www.
- OBSAI(Open Base Station Architecture Initiative):
- DAS(Distributed Antenna System):
- EU FP7 OMEGA Project:
- 이한협, 조승현, 이지현, 명승일, 이상수, "차세대 광가입 자망 기술 및 표준화 동향", pp. 89-98, ETRI 전자통신동향분석 차세대통신기술특집, 2012.
- EU FP7 MCN Project: http://www.fp7-mobilecloud. eu/.
- Xiao-Feng Tao, Yan-Zhao Hou, Kai-Dong Wang, Hai-Yang He, Y. Jay Guo, GPP-Based Base Station Designing and Optimization, Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2893): pp 420-428, May 2013.
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- 정상진, 신명기, 김형준, "미래 인터넷을 위한 네트워크 가상화 표준기술 개발 동향", pp 84-92, TTA Journal, 2010.
- Soon-Gi Park, Dae-Young Kim,"Downlink Multipoint transmission effect using Aggregate Base Station Architecture,"IEICE Transaction on Communications, E94B(12), pp. 3374-3377, Dec. 2011.
- Soon Gi Park, Byung Han Ryu, Nam-Hun Park, Dae Young Kim,"The Impact of Cloud Base Station's Coordinated Multi-point Schemes on Mobility Performance," International Conference on ICT Conver-gence(ICTC),pp. 660-665, Oct. 2012.