센서 융합을 통한 환경지도 기반의 강인한 전역 위치추정

Robust Global Localization based on Environment map through Sensor Fusion

  • 투고 : 2013.12.04
  • 심사 : 2014.04.08
  • 발행 : 2014.05.28


Global localization is one of the essential issues for mobile robot navigation. In this study, an indoor global localization method is proposed which uses a Kinect sensor and a monocular upward-looking camera. The proposed method generates an environment map which consists of a grid map, a ceiling feature map from the upward-looking camera, and a spatial feature map obtained from the Kinect sensor. The method selects robot pose candidates using the spatial feature map and updates sample poses by particle filter based on the grid map. Localization success is determined by calculating the matching error from the ceiling feature map. In various experiments, the proposed method achieved a position accuracy of 0.12m and a position update speed of 10.4s, which is robust enough for real-world applications.



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