The Effect of Cognitive Absorption, Past Usage and Habit on Automatic Use - focus on the users of Facebook

인지적 몰입과 과거사용 그리고 습관이 자동사용에 미치는 영향 - 페이스북 사용자를 중심으로

  • Received : 2013.12.03
  • Accepted : 2014.03.23
  • Published : 2014.03.31


Recently, theoretical interests in automatic uses, which can be activated without conscious intention, have been increased. According to previous studies, automatic uses are known to be determined by the strength of habit, the frequency of past uses, and emotional experiences such as cognitive absorption. Concerned on the influences of the above three factors on automatic uses, this paper suggested the following research questions: 'Which effect of cognitive absorption on automatic considering habit?' and 'Does the frequency of past uses always influence habit?'. In order to answer the research questions, this study suggested a research model which would explain the relationship among cognitive absorption, habit, and uses. Especially, cognitive absorption is formed as a moderating variable of the relationship between past use and habit, and the relationships among variables are longitudinally expanded. The suggested research model was empirically tested by surveying 175 'Facebook' users and analysed by partial least square (PLS), which showed the suggested hypotheses are significant. This results answered the research questions as followed: First, cognitive absorption moderates the relationship between habit and automatic use. Second, the frequency of past uses would not always influence the formulation of habit rather but may be influenced by habit.



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