In this study, cross-laminated woods were made with spruce wood and the effects of annual ring angles of perpendicular direction laminae on static bending strength performance were investigated. Static bending strength performances of parallel laminated woods with all layers composed of laminae perpendicular to the grain ($P_{\bot}$ type) were in the order of $90^{\circ}$ > $0^{\circ}$ > $45^{\circ}$. The MOE and MOR for the $45^{\circ}$ annual ring angle were 0.0989 GPa and 3.25 MPa, and it showed the lowest values. By placing longitudinal-direction laminae in the core of $P_{\bot}$ type, the strength performances were markedly improved. In the case of cross-laminated woods with perpendicular-direction laminae in the faces ($C_{\bot}$ type), the bending strength performances were in the order of $90^{\circ}$ > $0^{\circ}$ > $45^{\circ}$, but the differences among annual ring angles were less than those of the parallel-laminated woods. In the case of cross-laminated woods with perpendicular-direction laminae in the core ($C_{\parallel}$ type), the bending strength performances were in the order of $45^{\circ}$ > $90^{\circ}$ > $0^{\circ}$ unlike $P_{\bot}$ type and $C_{\bot}$ type. The MOE and MOR for the $45^{\circ}$ annual ring angle were 12.0 GPa and 55.8 MPa, and it showed the highest values.
이 연구에서는 가문비나무를 이용하여 직교형적층재를 제작하였고, 섬유직각방향라미나의 연륜경사각이 직교형적층재의 정적 휨 강도성능에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 3층 모두가 섬유직각방향라미나로 구성된 평행형적층재($P_{\bot}$ 타입)의 휨 강도성능은 연륜경사각 $90^{\circ}$ > $0^{\circ}$ > $45^{\circ}$의 순이었고, 연륜경사각 $45^{\circ}$에서 휨 탄성계수는 0.0989 GPa, 휨 강도는 3.25 MPa로 가장 적은 값을 나타내었다. $P_{\bot}$ 타입의 중층에 섬유방향라미나를 배열하는 것에 의해 휨 강도성능은 현저히 향상되었다. 표층이 섬유직각방향라미나로 구성된 직교형적층재($C_{\bot}$ 타입)의 경우, 휨 강도성능은 연륜경사각 $90^{\circ}$ > $0^{\circ}$ > $45^{\circ}$의 순이었으나, 연륜경사각에 의한 차이는 평행형적층재에 비해 감소하였다. 중층에 섬유직각방향라미나를 배열한 직교형적층재($C_{\parallel}$ 타입)의 경우, 휨 강도성능은 $P_{\bot}$ 타입 및 $C_{\bot}$ 타입과 다르게 $45^{\circ}$ > $90^{\circ}$ > $0^{\circ}$의 순으로 연륜경사각 $45^{\circ}$에서 휨 탄성계수는 12.0 GPa, 휨 강도는 55.8 MPa로 가장 높은 값을 나타내는 것이 확인되었다.