Zinc-Bromine 레독스 플로우 배터리를 이용한 독립형 마이크로그리드 ESS DC-DC 컨버터 설계 및 실증

Design and Test of ESS DC-DC Converter using Zinc-Bromine Redox Flow Battery for Stand-alone Microgrid

  • 투고 : 2013.10.07
  • 심사 : 2013.12.24
  • 발행 : 2014.04.20


This paper proposes ESS DC-DC Converter using Redox Flow Battery (RFB) for stand-alone microgrid. Price, safety, expandability and dynamics are crucial in ESS. Reports show that Zinc-bromine (ZnBr) RFB is the best choice in ESS. Simple electrical ZnBr RFB model is obtained from charging test. DC-DC converter Inductor current-DClink Voltage model is proposed for the DC microgrid. For the controller design in z-domain, the K-factor method is by considering nature of the digital controller. The control performance has been verified with simulation and hardware experiments. Lastly 10kW DC microgrid using RFB test result is shown.



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