GPS Collar를 이용한 멸종위기 한국 산양(Naemorhedus caudatus)의 행동 특성

Home Range and Behavioral Characteristics of the Endangered Korea Gorals(Naemorhedus caudatus) With GPS Collar

  • 조재운 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원) ;
  • 권구희 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원) ;
  • 양정진 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원) ;
  • 임상진 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원) ;
  • 이안나 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원) ;
  • 박희복 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원) ;
  • 이배근 (국립공원관리공단종복원기술원)
  • Cho, Chea-Un (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Gyun, Gu-Hee (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Yang, Jung-Jin (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Lim, Sang-Jin (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Lee, An-Na (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Park, Hee-Bok (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service) ;
  • Lee, Bae-Keun (Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service)
  • 투고 : 2013.08.28
  • 심사 : 2014.02.25
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


본 연구는 멸종위기종인 한국산 산양(n=3)의 생태 및 행동학적 특징을 밝히기 위하여 2010년 5월부터 2011년 9월까지 설악산국립공원에서 이루어졌다. 구조된 산양은 GPS Collar 발신기를 부착하여 구조된 원서식지에 재 방사하였으며, 연구기간 동안 수집된 4,752개의 위치 좌표를 이용하여 연간 행동권, 계절별 행동권, 월별 이용 고도를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 설악산 산양의 연간 행동권은 MCP 95% $0.88km^2$, MCP 50% $0.27km^2$, FK 95% $0.43km^2$, FK 50% $0.09km^2$로 계절별 행동권은 MCP 95%에서 봄 $0.47km^2$, 여름 $0.45km^2$, 가을 $0.63km^2$, 겨울 $0.50km^2$로, 가을 행동권이 넓은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 FK 95% 분석을 통해서도 봄 $0.23km^2$, 여름 $0.19km^2$, 가을 $0.33km^2$, 겨울 $0.22km^2$로 가을철 행동권이 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 암 수 연간행동권은 MCP 95% 수준에서 암컷 $1.03km^2$, 수컷은 $0.58km^2$로 분석되었다. 월별 이용 고도는 6, 7, 8월이 가장 높았으며 12, 1, 2월에 가장 낮은 고도를 이용했다. 본 연구는 산양의 서식지 관리 정책 및 복원과 보전을 위한 객관적 자료 확보 및 국내에서 수행 중이거나 계획 단계에 있는 야생동물의 성공적인 복원에 기여하고자 수행되었다.

This study was to understand the ecological characteristics of the goral through the study on goral behavioral characteristics and to be carried out to provide basic behavioral data such as annual home range, seasonal home range and monthly used altitude with 4,752 locations obtained during the study period through home range analysis of three long-tailed gorals (Naemorhedus caudatus) in Soeraksan. For this study, gorals who were rescued from heavy snow in Seoraksan were used. The gorals were equipped with GPS Collar, released at their natural habitats, and then monitored from May, 2010 to September, 2011. According to our results, annual home ranges of the gorals (n=3) have $0.88km^2$ of MCP 95%, $0.27km^2$ of MCP 50%, $0.43km^2$ of FK 95%, and $0.09km^2$ of FK 50% respectively. Seasonal home range of MCP 95% was $0.47km^2$ in spring, $0.45km^2$ in summer, $0.63km^2$ in fall and $0.50km^2$ in winter respectively and home ranges of fall was the largest. In the case of FK 95% analysis, home ranges were $0.23km^2$ in spring, $0.19km^2$ in summer, $0.33km^2$ in fall, and $0.22km^2$ in winter respectively and the largest seasonal home range was fall. Female and male annual home ranges of the gorals were $1.03km^2$ for female and $0.58km^2$ for male. In analysis of the monthly used altitudes which were used Jun, July, and August were higher than in the other months and the altitudes which were used in Dec, Jan, and Feb were lower than in the other months. This study was to secure basic data for the habitat management policy, restoration, and conservation of Korea gorals and to be conducted to contribute to the success in doing or planning stage of the wild animal restoration.



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