단일편파 레이더자료 품질관리기술 특성 분석

Analysis of Quality Control Technique Characteristics on Single Polarization Radar Data

  • 박소라 (기상청 기상레이더센터 레이더분석과) ;
  • 김헌애 (기상청 기상레이더센터 레이더분석과) ;
  • 차주완 (국립기상연구소 황사연구과) ;
  • 박종서 (기상청 기상레이더센터 레이더분석과) ;
  • 한혜영 (기상청 기상레이더센터 레이더분석과)
  • Park, Sora (Radar Data Analysis Division, Weather Radar Center, KMA) ;
  • Kim, Heon-Ae (Radar Data Analysis Division, Weather Radar Center, KMA) ;
  • Cha, Joo Wan (Asia Dust Research Division, National Institute of Meteorological Research, KMA) ;
  • Park, Jong-Seo (Radar Data Analysis Division, Weather Radar Center, KMA) ;
  • Han, Hye-Young (Radar Data Analysis Division, Weather Radar Center, KMA)
  • 투고 : 2013.10.10
  • 심사 : 2013.12.04
  • 발행 : 2014.03.31


The radar reflectivity is significantly affected by ground clutter, beam blockage, anomalous propagation (AP), birds, insects, chaff, etc. The quality of radar reflectivity is very important in quantitative precipitation estimation. Therefore, Weather Radar Center (WRC) of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) employed two quality control algorithms: 1) Open Radar Product Generator (ORPG) and 2) fuzzy quality control algorithm to improve quality of radar reflectivity. In this study, an occurrence of AP echoes and the performance of both quality control algorithms are investigated. Consequently, AP echoes frequently occur during the spring and fall seasons. Moreover, while the ORPG QC algorithm has the merit of removing non-precipitation echoes, such as AP echoes, it also removes weak rain echoes and snow echoes. In contrast, the fuzzy QC algorithm has the advantage of preserving snow echoes and weak rain echoes, but it eliminates the partial area of the contaminated echo, including the AP echoes.



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