The Effects of Hip Angle on Muscle Activity of Quadriceps during Q-Setting Exercise

고관절 각도에 따른 대퇴사두근의 Q-setting 운동 시 근활성도에 미치는 영향

  • Lee, Geoncheol (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Jongsu (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Sunghun (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Myungkeun (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Jiwon (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Chu, Seolhui (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Bora (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology)
  • 이건철 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과) ;
  • 김종수 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과) ;
  • 김성훈 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과) ;
  • 김명근 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과) ;
  • 김지원 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과) ;
  • 추설희 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과) ;
  • 김보라 (경남정보대학교 물리치료과)
  • Received : 2013.12.27
  • Accepted : 2014.02.07
  • Published : 2014.03.31


Purpose : The aim of this study was to find out differences between muscle activity of quadriceps according to hip angle. Method : 40 healthy adults produced maximum isometric muscle contraction of quadriceps femoris and each part of the quadriceps femoris were measured with a surface EMG in hip joint angle of $90^{\circ}$, $135^{\circ}$, $180^{\circ}$. Result : There was no significant difference between muscle activity of vastus medialis and lateralis according to hip angle. But there was significant difference in muscle activity of rectus femoris and the muscle activity was maximum at 135 degrees of hip angle. Conclusion : In conclusion, maximum muscle activation of rectus femoris is affected by hip angle, and the findings from this study may be helpful for physical therapists in selecting hip position when instructing patients to do Q-setting exercise. So, we suggest that patients perform Q-setting exercise at 135 degrees of hip angle for the best result.



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