공공조직 생산성 측정사례 및 결과 활용에 관한 연구 : 지방자치단체 생산성지수 중심

A Study on the Use of Results and Measurement Case of Productivity of the Public Organization

  • 김완평 (행정자치부 창조정부조직실 협업행정과, 한국외국어대학교 경영정보학)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.03
  • 심사 : 2014.12.01
  • 발행 : 2014.12.30


Productivity of public organizations was far older due to issue more difficult to measure than private organizations. Unlike the private sector, the public sector is a diverse and sometimes conflicting objectives (efficiency, effectiveness, equity, democracy, etc.) exist, it is difficult to measure productivity in a single index. Many departments of government is intricately interrelated and sometimes produced by the joint efforts, it is difficult to allocate performance, incentives and accountability to among departments. And there is the difficulty of collecting data on the productivity indicators of public organizations. Despite these difficulties, we developed a productivity index system and measuring method to systematically introduce the concept of productivity in the local administration. In this paper, the productivity and the productivity index measurement practices of local governments conducted annually from 2011 on was deep into research. First, the report found examples of the governments of the developed countries, productivity measurement, then the way MOPAS(Ministry of Public Administration and Security) measure productivity index of local governments, success factors, the implications were in-depth analysis. Finally, in order to enhance productivity and competitiveness municipalities studied ways to take advantage of the productivity index.



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