공학교육연구 (Journal of Engineering Education Research)
- 제17권1호
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- Pages.20-25
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- 2014
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- 1738-6454(pISSN)
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- 2713-8283(eISSN)
공학설계강좌에서 셀프리더십 역량 및 공학설계 자기효능감과 팀 창의성 지각의 관계
Relationships among Self-Leadership, Engineering Design Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Team Creativity in Engineering Desing Class
This study investigated the mediating effect of engineering design self-efficacy on the relationship between self-leadership and perceived team creativity. Participants were 110 engineering college students pursuing team projects. Engineering design self-efficacy showed complete mediation effects on the relationships between perceived team creativity and self-reward and evaluating beliefs and assumptions. Partial mediation effect of engineering design self-efficacy was found on the relationship between perceived team creativity and natural reward. Finally, limitations of this study and suggestions for future studies were discussed.