공학교육연구 (Journal of Engineering Education Research)
- 제17권1호
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- Pages.12-19
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- 2014
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- 1738-6454(pISSN)
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- 2713-8283(eISSN)
공학 기술자들에게 요구되는 리더십 특성 - 공학 분야 대기업 인사담당자의 인식을 중심으로 -
A Qualitative Study on the Required Leadership for Engineers
- Park, Jae-Hyun (Innovation Center for Engineering Education, Yonsei University) ;
- Lee, Soo-Yong (Yonsei Institute of Green Technology, Yonsei University)
- 투고 : 2013.10.15
- 심사 : 2014.01.27
- 발행 : 2014.01.31
This qualitative research aimed to understand what leadership engineers need to have based on perceptions of people in charge of human resources in the large engineering companies in Korea. Focused group interviews were performed with 10 participants and the collected qualitative data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. The findings showed that the required leadership for engineers consists of six elements: technological professionalism, management skills, cross-functional skills, abilities to change organizational culture, work ethics, and technological creativity. This leadership elements were formulated in the engineering work environment and job characteristics which can be represented by technology-based professionalism, flexibility in work, and process-centered work. The implications for collegiate engineering leadership education were also suggested.