초등학생 방과후 돌봄 서비스 분석과 개선방안

Analysis of an After-school Care Service Program for Elementary School Children and Suggestions for Improvement

  • 투고 : 2014.01.01
  • 심사 : 2014.02.03
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


The purpose of this research is to suggest some measures to improve policy issues by analyzing policy related to a child care service program in the community. Gilbert and Terrell's social policy analysis framework is used to analyze an after-school care service program for elementary school children. Furthermore, the Elementary Care Class(including the After-school Program), Youth After-school Academy, and Community Child Center, referred to as public care services, are employed to analyze community care service programs for children. The Elementary Care Class, Youth After-school Academy and Community Child Center are very similar in terms of the contents and application of the care service program for children, and mainly serve children in low-income groups. In addition, although user overlapping is an inevitable problem because the operating time of the Elementary Care Class and After-school Program coincides with that of the Youth After-school Academy and Community Child Center, it is structurally very hard to adjust the content of service, operating time, and so on because of differences in the delivery system for each program. Therefore, it is necessary to generate a unified delivery system to manage after-school care service programs for children and create a new special control tower to solve these problems. Furthermore, it is needed to extend the services to children from general double-income family, which is a blind spot of the care service.



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