Although it is difficult to reach a diagnosis in patients who complain of pain or sensitivity to cold in their hands, Raynaud's phenomenon is most often suspected in such cases. Symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon include pallor, cyanosis, and redness following cold exposure. Glomus tumors can also increase patients' sensitivity to cold. In this case, our patient complained of symptoms indicative of Raynaud's phenomenon. Although treatment of Raynaud's phenomenon improved the symptoms, pain persisted in the fourth finger of the left hand. We diagnosed the patient with a glomus tumor and, after surgical treatment, the patient's symptoms improved. Here, we have also reviewed and discussed a number of reports of glomus tumors associated with Raynaud's disease. Diagnosing a glomus tumor in the hand may take some time, and the diagnosis could be further delayed if accompanied by Raynaud's phenomenon. Although glomus tumors are rare, we suggest that clinical awareness is important for early diagnosis and treatment.
본 증례는 레이노 현상으로 내원한 환자에서 네 번째 손가락 끝의 국소 통증이 지속되어 수부 자기공명영상 검사를 이용해 사구 종양을 진단하고 수술적 치료로 호전된 경우이다. 레이노병 환자에서 손의 국소적 통증이 지속된다면, 매우 드물긴 하나 사구 종양과 같은 국소 병변의 동반에 대해서도 고려할 필요가 있다.