The Jeju-Korea power system is a small-sized network with a system demand ranging from a autumn minimum of 350MW to a summer peak of 716MW. Because Jeju island is well exposed to north-east winds with high speed, applications to connect to Jeju power system are flooded. Considering physical/environmental constraints, Jeju Self-governing Province has also target for the wind power capacity of 1,350MW by 2020. It amounts to two or three times of Jeju average-demand power and wind power limit capacity announced by Korea Power Exchange (KPX) company. Wind farm connection agreements will be signed to maximize utilization of wind resource. In spite of submarine cable HVDC connected to Korea mainland, Jeju power system is independently operated by frequency and reserve control. This study reevaluates wind power limit based on the KPX criteria from 2016 to 2020. First of all wind power generation limit are affected by off-peak demand in Jeju power system. Also the possibility capacity rate of charging wind power output is evaluated by using energy storage system (ESS). As a result, in case of using 110MWh ESS, wind power limit increases 33~55MW(30~50% of ESS), wind power constraint energy decreases from 68,539MWh to 50,301MWh and wind farm capacity factor increases from 25.9 to 26.1% in 2020.