A Comparison of Human Reliability Analysis Technique Using SMART Emergency Operating Guidelines

  • Heo, Eun Mee (Department of Industrial Engineering, The University of Kyunghee) ;
  • Byun, Seong Nam (Department of Industrial & Management, The University of Kyunghee) ;
  • Park, Hong Joon (Department of Industrial Engineering, The University of Kyunghee) ;
  • Park, Geun Ok (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI))
  • 투고 : 2013.11.11
  • 심사 : 2014.01.08
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


Objective: The purpose of this study is to select the methodology for SMR HRA which has characteristics that are different from existing nuclear power plants and digital-based plants. Background: We must assure safety to preoccupy export of technology to developing countries or countries interested in nuclear application. And we can be an advanced country in nuclear technology by securing original technology in the field of SMR such as SMART. Method: THERP, which is the most representative HRA methodology among all, and RARA, which is the latest HRA methodology. This study compared and evaluated THERP and RARA. Results: As a result of applying THERP and RARA methodologies which are based on LOCA EOG task analysis result, this research concluded that RARA has higher personal errors than THERP. Conclusion: This study needs validation for LOCA, emergency operations, normal and abnormal scenarios since HRA methodology was only focused on LOCA scenario. Application: The results of this study can apply as base line data when designing MMIS, which is the main control room of SMART, and when building a simulator.



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