발도르프 수학교육 방법을 적용한 우리나라 대안학교 기하단원 교수·학습에 관한 사례연구

A Case Study of Geometry Teaching and Learning based on Waldorf Education Methods in a Korean Alternative School

  • 투고 : 2014.02.05
  • 심사 : 2014.02.25
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


The purpose of this research is to find out if it is possible to apply the Waldorf School's mathematics education method to Korean alternative schools which are run under the national curriculum. To achieve this, the researcher conducted class on geometry for three weeks with ten 7th graders(four girls and six boys) from Apple Tree Waldorf alternative school in Busan, which has adopted Valdorf education courses. For the first two weeks, the class was about 'fundamental geometrical construction', and then it was evaluated. On the third week, the lesson was on plane figures, followed by a test with 9 plane figure questions that are based on general middle school mathematics curriculum. The result shows that most of the students understood 'fundamental geometrical construction'. When it comes to the test on 'plane figures', seven students got 8 out of 9 right, two students got 6 out of 9 right, and one of them had difficulty solving the questions. According to the results of this research, it is thought that there will be no problem for students to understand mathematical concept even if the Waldorf School's mathematics education method is applied to Korean alternative schools. Also, the Waldorf School's mathematics education method is considered to be a good teaching model for the Korean mathematics curriculum which places emphasis on 'mathematical creativity' in regard to the curriculum and contents.



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