Incompetent Construction Technologies and Resources in the Construction Industry of Yemen

  • Sultan, Basil (Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sana'a) ;
  • Alaghbari, Wa'el (Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sana'a)
  • 투고 : 2012.10.08
  • 심사 : 2014.01.14
  • 발행 : 2014.03.01


The Construction industry in Yemen confronts many development constraints, such as the inadequate implementation of appropriate building materials and labour construction technologies. Thus, this research looks over building materials and labour construction technologies used on the local housing construction projects by verifying the percentage of construction expenditure consumed by the main construction components (Materials, Labour and Overhead and Profit), along with the implemented construction technologies. The paper conducts a survey to acquire the cost distribution of the construction main components. The outcomes of the survey were discussed; the discussion was supported by literature on similar issues from some countries. The outcomes confirmed the relatively limited percentage in labour cost and profit, and the elevated percentage of construction materials cost, which are because of the excessive and inappropriate use of materials. What's more, established that the excessively redundant unskilled labours are not effectively engaged in the construction activities, this is due to the tendency of the market in using labour-base technologies. This paper is to recommend a suitable policies and strategies has to be used to decrease cost by using efficiently appropriate construction practice and local materials, moreover take advantage of excessive labour to reduce unemployment.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Factors affecting construction labour productivity in Yemen 2017,
  2. Construction in the Republic of Yemen: Problems of Development and Solutions vol.365, pp.1757-899X, 2018,