한약재 마늘(Allium sativum L.)의 식별을 위한 유전자 감식연구

The Study of DNA markers to identify of Allium sativum L.

  • Son, OGyeong (Department of Biology, College of Science, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Seo, Bu-II (Department of Herbology, College of Oriental medicine, Daegu Haany University) ;
  • Lee, Seon-Ha (College of Health, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Park, Seon-Joo (Department of Biology, College of Science, Yeungnam University)
  • 투고 : 2013.12.13
  • 심사 : 2014.01.20
  • 발행 : 2014.01.30


Objectives : This study was carried out to identify DNA markers of "Allium sativum" be circulated from Korea and China, which is difficult to discriminate from morphological characters because of fragmental materials of bulb. That is, all these studies focused on the discrimination of Allium sativum L. But these day, Chinese A. sativum was in circulated Korean A. sativum in Korean medicine markets. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to develop molecular markers for discrimination between Korean A. sativum and imports from China. Methods : Materials were collected randomly from a markets in Korea and China and be analyzed with matK, ndhF and trnL-F regions of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA). We collected 45 A. sativum individuals from Korean and Chinese medicine markets, in 2013. Results : As a results, matK and ndhF regions of cpDNA was shown to be identify, Species that grow from warm place and cold place can divide as five SNP (Single nucleotide polymorphisms) markers in matK and ndhF genes. Also, in trnL-F regions, found one SNP that can divide Korean A. sativum and Chinese A. sativum. Conclusions : From the analysis of matK and ndhF regions of cpDNA, we presumed that three markers of cpDNA were found by useful marker that can distinguish Korean, Chinese, Warm place type, and Cold place type. Individual differences of Korean and Chinese was thought that appear in geographical difference and genetic difference by environment for long hour even if same species.



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