세라밴드를 이용한 운동프로그램이 노인의 근력, 균형, 고유수용성감각에 미치는 영향

Effects of Theraband Exercise Programs on Strength, Balance and Proprioception in Elderly

  • 이동진 (광주보건대학교 물리치료과)
  • Lee, Dongjin (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Gwangju Health University)
  • 투고 : 2014.11.20
  • 심사 : 2014.12.22
  • 발행 : 2014.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to recognize the importance of balance in order to minimize daily living restrictions and to prevent falls due to aging, and develop an eight-week theraband exercise program to benefit the elderly. Method: A total of 20 elderly participants were divided into two groups. Group A used warm-up and finishing exercises for eight weeks including stretching and rhythm exercises conducted in a theraband exercise. Group B performed no exercises. Both A and B groups at weeks 1, weeks 4, weeks 8 were measured for deltoid and quadriceps femoris strength, balance and proprioception. Result: There was a significant difference in deltoid and quadriceps femoris muscle strength, balance and proprioception between Group A and Group B(p<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study show that theraband exercises are thought to be able to contribute to the promotion of deltoid and quadriceps femoris muscle strength, balance and proprioception. It also contributes to minimize activity of daily living restrictions and prevent fall down in elderly. However in this study, generalization has been limited because of exercise duration, limited number of experiments and intensity modulated of theraband.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Assessment of Gait as a Diagnostic Tool for Patients with Dementia vol.12, pp.2, 2017,
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