Improvement of Power Spectrum in Ultrashort Pulse Reflectometry Signals Using Three Chirp Configuration

  • Roh, Young-Su (Soongsil University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering)
  • 투고 : 2014.01.02
  • 심사 : 2014.01.21
  • 발행 : 2014.03.31


The flat power spectrum of the transmitter output signal for the desired frequency range is ideal to achieve the best performance of ultrashort pulse reflectometry. However, the power spectrum of a typical pulse generator decreases significantly as frequency increases. A configuration of three chirped waveforms was employed to improve the power spectrum of the transmitter signal at higher frequencies. To determine the amplification gain required for higher frequency components, three chirped waveforms were theoretically generated and their power spectra were measured using numerical band-pass filters. Based on the results of numerical computations, the three chirp configuration was successfully applied to the design of the transmitter for a broadband system.



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