Characteristics of Teacher Learning and Changes in Teachers' Epistemic Beliefs within a Learning Community of Elementary Science Teachers

초등 과학 교사들의 교사 공동체 내에서의 학습의 특징과 인식적 믿음의 변화

  • Received : 2014.09.28
  • Accepted : 2014.11.14
  • Published : 2014.11.30


The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of teacher learning and changes in teachers' epistemic beliefs within a learning community of elementary science teachers. Three in-service elementary teachers who majored in elementary science education in a doctoral course of a graduate school of education participated in the study, and learning activities in the teachers' beginning learning community provided a context for the study. Data sources included field notes produced by the researcher who engaged jointly in the teacher learning community as a coach, audio-recordings of the teachers' narratives, and artifacts generated by the teachers during the process of teacher learning. Complementary analyses of these multiple sources of data revealed that epistemic beliefs of the three elementary teachers were different and that each teacher made a different plan of science instruction based on his own epistemic belief even after the learning experiences within the teacher community. It was therefore suggested that science teacher education programs should be organized in consideration of the nature of teachers as constructivist learners and their practical resources.



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