Instant Messaging Usage and Interruptions in the Workplace

  • Chang, Hui-Jung (Graduate Institute of Communication, Fu-Jen Catholic University) ;
  • Ian, Wan-Zheng (Infotimes, China Times Incorporated Company)
  • 투고 : 2014.04.20
  • 심사 : 2014.11.21
  • 발행 : 2014.12.31


The goal of the present study is to explore IM interruption by relating it to media choices and purposes of IM use in the workplace. Two major media choice concepts were: media richness and social influence; while four purposes of IM use were: organization work, knowledge work, socializing, and boundary spanning activities. Data (N = 283) were collected via a combination of convenience and snowball sampling of "computer-using workers" in Taiwan, based on the Standard Occupational Classification system published by the Taiwan government. Results indicated that media choice works better than purpose of IM use to explain IM interruption. Among them, social influence was the best predictor to IM interruption in the workplace. In addition, instant feedback and personalization provided by IM, and IM usage for the purposes of knowledge work and socializing, also relate to IM interruption in the workplace.



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