Caring for Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma in Japan: Evaluation of a Palliative Care Educational Program

  • Nagamatsu, Yasuko (St. Luke's International University, College of Nursing) ;
  • Nakayama, Yukiko (Koshikawa Hospital) ;
  • Clayson, Helen (Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare, Glasgow Caledonian University and University of Strathclyde) ;
  • Natori, Yuji (Hirano-Kameido-Himawari-Clinic) ;
  • Ohata, Misato (St. Luke's International Hospital) ;
  • Matsuura-Moriguchi, Shino (Department of Nursing, Faculty of Human Sciences, Sophia University) ;
  • Porter, Sarah E. (Oregon Health & Science University, School of Nursing)
  • Published : 2014.11.28


Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of an Educational Program on Palliative Care for MPM for Nurses in Japan. Program: The 5-h program consisted of lectures and care planning group work. Materials and Methods: This study used a pretest-posttest design with a single cohort of nurses and included a Difficulties in Palliative Care for Patients with MPM (DPCMPM) Scale with 15 items. The pre- and posttest scores were compared using a t-test. Results: We included 27 female nurses with a mean of 14.4 years of nursing experience. In 12 of 15 DPCMPM items, the posttest difficulty scores were lower than the pretest scores. Participants highly evaluated the program for validity, clarity, clinical usefulness, and the facilitators. The Palliative Care for MPM Handbook for Nurses was developed as an educational tool for clinical settings. Conclusions: The Educational Program on Palliative Care for MPM for Nurses was effective in reducing nursing difficulties.



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