US Aid and Taiwan

  • 발행 : 2014.01.31


After the outbreak of the Korean War on June 25, 1950, the US included the Republic of China on Taiwan (Taiwan hereafter) in its Asia-Pacific containment line, and restored the military and economic aid to Taiwan for the sake of regional security. The US aid to the countries along the Asia-Pacific defense line was not only in the form of supplying munitions, but also linked these countries together in an economic dimension. Taiwan is one of the 120 countries which had accepted US aid and also successfully moved from "dependence" to "independently sustained growth." This article will firstly review the historical background of US aid to Taiwan and related institutional development; secondly, this article will illustrate how Taiwan used US aid, and which economic sector the US aid affected; thirdly, it will trace the impact of US aid on Taiwan's foreign trade, and finally, to make a conclusion.



  1. Xinying Wen, Jingji qiji de bei hou-Taiwan meiyuan jingyan de zhengjing fen xi (Behind the Economic Miracle-A Political and Economic Analysis of the US Aid Experience of Taiwan) (Taipei: Zili Wanbao Press, 1990), 85.
  2. Huayuan Xue, ed., Taiwan maoyishi (Taiwan Trade History) (Taipei: Taiwan External Trade Development Council, 2008), 249.
  3. Lai Yashin, "Meiguo fabiao 'zhongguo baipishu' zhi juece guocheng (The Decision Making Process of the China White Paper)" (PhD diss., Tamkang University, 2009).
  4. Wen, Behind the Economic Miracle, 89.
  5. Neil H. Jacoby, U.S. Aid to Taiwan: A Study of Foreign Aid, Self-Help, and Development (New York: F.A. Praeger, 1966), 243-45.
  6. Samuel P. S. Ho, Economic Development of Taiwan, 1860-1970 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1978), 120.
  7. World Bank, The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy (New York; Tokyo: Oxford University Press, 1993).
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  9. Wu, "The US Aid and the Economic Development of Taiwan," 148.
  10. Ian J. Bickerton and John W. Sewell, The United States and World Development: Agenda 1977 (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977), 134.
  11. Jichang zhao, Meiyuan de yunyong [The Operation of the US Aid] [Taipei: Linking Publishing, 1985], 26-27
  12. Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development (CEPD), Taiwan Statistical Data Book (Taipei: Executive Yuan, 1977), 219.
  13. Jinqing Liu, Zhaoyan Tu and Mikio Sumiya, Taiwan zhi jingji dianxing NIES zhi chengjiu yu wenti , trans. Huiying Lei (Taiwan as a Typical NIES Economy: Its Achievement and Problems) (Taipei: Renjian, 1993), 362.
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  15. Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development, Mei yuan dai kuan gai kuang, 1964.
  16. Liu, Tu and Sumiya, Taiwan as a Typical NIES Economy, 80.
  17. Xue, Taiwan Trade History, 266.
  18. Xue, Taiwan Trade History, 275.
  19. Weizhen Yu, "1945-1952 Taiwan zhanhou chuqi exing tonghuo pengzhang zhi tantao (An Analysis of Hyperinflation in Taiwan, 1945-1952)," (PhD diss., Chinese Culture University, 2006).
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  22. Wen, Behind the Economic Miracle, 86-87.
  23. Wu, "US Aid and the Economic Development of Taiwan," 148-49.
  24. Wu, "Taiwan's Hyperinflation: 1945-1950," 153-54.
  25. Siyu Chen, "Lengzhan, guojia jianzao yu zhilijishu de yanbian: zhanhou Taiwan hongguan jingji zhili tizhi de xingcheng (Cold War, State Building, and Governmentality: The Making of Macroeconomic Governance System in Post-War Taiwan, 1949-1973)" (PhD diss., National Taiwan University, 2011), 155-56.
  26. Chen, Cold War, State Building, and Governmentality, 96-122.
  27. Wei-chen Lee, "Sengo Taiwan kinyū sisutemu no kindaika ni kansuru kenkyū (A Study on Modernization of the Postwar Financial System in Taiwan)" (PhD diss., Kyoto University, 2007), 57.
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  29. Jinqing Liu, Taiwan zhanhou jingji fenxi (An Analysis of Postwar Taiwan's Economy) (Taipei: Renjian, June 1992), 291.
  30. Tsuihua Yang, "Meiyuan jishu xiezhu: zhanhou Taiwan gongyehua kaiduan de yige cemian (Technology Assistance in American Aid: An Aspect in the Beginning of Taiwan's Postwar Industrialization), in Parting Ways: Politics and Economics across the Taiwan Straits Since 1949, ed. Yung-fa Chen (Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 2006), 261-92.
  31. Boxun Wu, "Meiyuan yu Taiwan yuanyang yuye zhi fazhan (1951-1965) (US Aid and the Development of Offshore Fishing in Taiwan [1951-1965])" (master's thesis, National Central University, 2011).
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  33. Kakuten Hara, keizai enjo no kenkyu (A Study of Economic Aid) (Tokyo: Ajia keizai kenkyujo [Asia IDE-JETORO], 1966), 99.
  34. Yongzhi Chen, Meiyuan yu Taiwan zhi senlin baoyu, 1950-1965: Meiquo yu Zhonghua minguo zhengfu guanxi zhi gean yanjiu (The US Aid and Taiwan's Forestry Protection, 1950-1966) (Taipei: Daoxiang Press, 2000).
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  36. Robert Wade, Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990), 82-84.
  37. Hirakawa Hitoshi, NIEs-Seikai sistemu to kaihatsu-(NIEs-World System and Development-) (Tokyo: Dobunkan, 1992), 206.
  38. Kuo-shu Liang, "Aid, Trade and Economic Development," in Liang Kuo-shu xiansheng lunwen ji (Symposium of Professor Kuo-shu Liang: Economic Development II) , ed. Yunpeng Chu, Jiadong Shea, Pochih Chen and Chi Schive (Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2002), 698.
  39. Gaimusho keizai kyoryokukyoku (Economic Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan), Tai chuka minkoku keizai kyoryok chosa hokoku (Report of Investigating Economic Cooperation with ROC) (Tokyo: Okurasho yinsazu kyoku, 1971), 7.
  40. Wade, Economic Theory and the Role of Government, 84.
  41. Jinqing Liu, Zhaoyan Tu, and Mikio Sumitani, Taiwan no Keizai-Tenkei NIEs no Hikari to Kage-(Economic of Taiwan-Light and Shadow of Typical NIEs-) (Tokyo: Tokyo University Press, 1992), 269.
  42. Terutaro Nichino, Beikoku enjo mikaeri shikin tokubetsu kanjo: sono keisei katei ni kansuru shiryo (The Special Account of the "Counterpart Fund" of the US Aid: Its Formatting Process) (Tokyo: kokuritsu kokkai toshokan chosa rippo kosakyoku, 1949), 2-3.
  43. Jichang Zhao, Meiyuan de yunyong (The Operation of the US Aid) (Taipei: Linking Publishing, 1985), 42.
  44. Hongwen Lai, "Zhong-Mei Jijin zhi yunyong yu chengguo (The Operation and Performance of the Sino-American Fund)," Taiwan Economic Forum 6, no.2 (February 2008): 7-10.
  45. Liang, "Aid, Trade and Economic Development," 701.
  46. Report of Investigating Economic Cooperation with ROC, 55.
  47. Wen, Behind the Economic Miracle, 275.
  48. Report of Investigating Economic Cooperation with ROC, 7.