Real-time Estimation of the Earthquake Magnitude Using the Bracketed Cumulative and Peak Parameters of the Ground-motion Acceleration of a Single Station

단일 지진관측소의 지반가속도 구간 누적값 및 최대값 파라미터를 이용한 실시간 지진규모 추정 연구

  • Received : 2013.09.23
  • Accepted : 2013.10.30
  • Published : 2014.01.02


In industrial facilities sites, the conventional method determining the earthquake magnitude (M) using earthquake ground-motion records is generally not applicable due to the poor quality of data. Therefore, a new methodology is proposed for determining the earthquake magnitude in real-time based on the amplitude measures of the ground-motion acceleration mostly from S-wave packets with the higher signal-to-ratios, given the Vs30 of the site. The amplitude measures include the bracketed cumulative parameters and peak ground acceleration (As). The cumulative parameter is either CAV (Cumulative Absolute Velocity) with 100 SPS (sampling per second) or BSPGA (Bracketed Summation of the PGAs) with 1 SPS. The arithmetic equations to determine the earthquake magnitude are derived from the CAV(BSPGA)-As-M relations. For the application to broad ranges of earthquake magnitude and distance, the multiple relations of CAV(BSPGA)-As-M are derived based on worldwide earthquake records and successfully used to determine the earthquake magnitude with a standard deviation of ${\pm}0.6M$.



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