Survey of Life and Dietary Styles on Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

역류성 식도질환 환자의 생활습관 및 식습관 조사연구

  • Received : 2014.03.23
  • Accepted : 2014.10.07
  • Published : 2014.12.31


Objective: It was surveyed how to help patients get better treatment for their disease by making complements based on the survey outcomes when the pharmacists guide how to administer medicine. Methods: A total of 142 gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients answered the self-answering questions consist of 15 items about their general characteristic, lifestyle and dietary style. The frequency of survey materials was analyzed to find out specific figures of surveyed patient's general characteristic, lifestyle and eating habits. Results: Based on the outcomes on analysis there was no difference between female and male patients. The characteristic based on the age group, as ones grow older, the number of GERD patients also increased. In case on the characteristic in lifestyle, many patients had improper habit to treat GERD. The items were smoking habits, stress control habit, sleeping postures and the way in wearing outfits. In case of postures after having a meal, they had right lifestyle. Patients had improper habit in eating food. They enjoyed pungent food and drinks which can hinder the treatment. In case of the time of having meal, eating habit of meat and vegetables and eating food less than an hour before go to bed, this research showed that they have the right lifestyle. Conclusion: This research indicate that pharmacists give guidance GERD patients to stop smoking that is causative of GERD and guide patients have mental stability, and patients avoid pungent food and drinks such as coffee, soda, chocolates and mint candies.



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